6 Areas You Need To Focus To Get Successful On YouTube

6 areas to focus on for YouTube Growth

6 Areas You Need To Focus To Get Successful On YouTube

Are you a YouTube creator?

Looking to grow your channel but struggling to get views and subscribers?

Well, the next 5 minutes could be a game changer for you.

YouTube’s search algorithm considers various factors such as video relevance, engagement metrics, watch time, and user behavior. By understanding how these elements impact rankings, creators can optimize their videos and increase visibility. Just creating engaging content is not enough. In order to be a successful creator, one needs to focus on the 6 areas:

Keyword Research:

Video uploaded without keyword research is almost like video not uploaded. Researching and targeting the right keywords is a must before uploading any video. Have clarity on what kind of audience you want to reach and what competition you are going to face. Having a low-competition keyword with good traffic will do the trick for you. And keep in mind, this is not a one time activity. Periodically, you are required to rework and change or update targeted keywords.


They act like a display for the shop. No matter how engaging and resourceful your content is, if the thumbnail is not attractive, the chances of a viewer clicking on it are reduced. The hook statement plays a vital role too. See the thumbnail as your opportunity to generate curiosity, necessity, or FOMO.

Title and Description:

Titles and Descriptions are basic hygiene factors. They help not just viewers but bots as well. So, your targeted keywords must be included in it. You cannot underdo or overdo it. This is a skillful job. You need an expert here. Regular practice can make you one. Keyword stuffing can have an impact on video ranking.


YouTube bots are getting smarter every day, but tags are still not outdated. For small and medium channels where audiences is still not built, tags are very useful. You cannot put any random tags just because they look relevant. Tags should be in line with keyword you are targeting and Find competitor videos, and feel free to copy their tags and titles.

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You cannot ignore that if you see YouTube as a business. It’s like having health insurance. You don’t want it, but you need it. The competition is brutual and everybody wants to be successful. Relying completley on organic traffic may not be a great strategy specially when competitors are promoting their videos. So, it is always good to have some budget for promotion. At least till the time you don’t have consistent audience. Promoting a video is like adding wheels to it. You will have a direct advantage over those who are not promoting their video and perfect competition with those who are. As a small channel with a limited budget, choosing the right videos for promotion is very important. This requires regular monitoring. Analyse the performance of your ad and make changes if needed.


Reading numbers and altering strategies accordingly is necessary. Regularly monitoring and analyzing performance metrics is crucial for optimizing YouTube SEO. Creators must pay attention to metrics like watch time, audience retention, and click-through rate to identify areas for improvement and refine their content strategy. Analytics is your best critic. If you use it well, your channel will grow for sure.

Being a creator, you want to reach your target audience and show your work. Just creating good videos won’t help. 6 areas mentioned above must be taken into consideration. That will certainly open more doors for you.

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